Monday, August 23, 2010

Wait... Really? lolz. Boateng hurt by a drink trolley??

Brilliant Man City. This is what you get for not bringing Tevez and Roquezinhu to DC. Plus Jerome, you're SO MUCH MORE BORING than your fine, super dickhead bro, El Principe.

In other news...
My idiot brother did this over the weekend to celebrate Arsenal's absolutely ridiculous win over Blackpool.
Man U threw away some "silly points" against Fulham, but whatever, they beat Newcastle (who later crushed A.S. 6-0, ouch) last week and I saw Chicharito's beautiful face in THAT game, so whatever.

Chelsea owned, big surprise there. More importantly in Chelsea news, who's the secret panty cutter?

Oh my god... how could I forget? HOTTEST PLAYER OF THE WEEK.
So Newcastle lost one and they won one. What really matters is that Andy Carroll is REALLY, REALLY hot. AND he has a temper. (for some reason, that's hot to me) He's gotten in trouble several times for stupid bar fights and what not.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Remember when...

You were a child and played soccer with all the other little white kids and your team would be up by 6 (or down by 6) and then they would remove one person from the winning team after every goal after the 6th???

Perhaps that's what should be happening right now at this Chelsea v. West Brom game...

I am watching the game in Spanish on what I believe is a Peruvian channel and every time Drogba scores they sing a little song about "El Negro del Chelsea." Luv it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mi Querida Selección Nacional...

Another day of international friendlies...

and I couldn't have been happier to see my boys on the field again. Unfortunately, the game wasn't on my shiny HD tv... I had to watch the game on my laptop.

Some screenshots ... this is what I endured to watch this game...

Good thing I missed most of the first half 'cause I missed this ~emotional~ reunion between Cabañas and his teammates. I can't really handle any Salvador related news without wanting to stab myself in the heart, but these pictures do make me a bit happy.

We love you, Mariscal! Had he been there, we would have made the top 4 in South Africa.

This game made we really want to go back to Paraguay... I want to at least go for x-mas, new years, and the epic party month of January.

And the OTHER friendly... Spain v. Mexico

Again, CHICHARITO did not disappoint.
What is it about this kid? This baby face?? Wtf.
Man City's new baby, Silva, scored later in the game to tie it up for Spain. I didn't care too much about this game at first. Instead, I tried to go run laps and kick a ball around with Bernice and we almost passed out in 20 minutes due to heat stroke/our fatasses. Then I came back and was glued to the TV as if to make up for my own lack of physical activity.
Also, props to my Daddy for calling the score of this game!

I never thought getting a Twitter would somehow benefit my love for futbol~
I follow Kaka, Ramos, RioFerdy, and Cristiano, but it's not even the players that entertain me. It's the "FANS." Like Snoop Dogg who is all of a sudden obsessed with Man. U. or Poncho
Herrera freaking about about the Mexico game today via twitter. I love it... Any more players to follow??

This is kind of creepy... I was just looking up Salvador on FB and I found this pic...

Eerily similar to... MY PROFILE PIC!

I know he's married, but perhaps we are meant to be together...
Siempre seras mi cacique~~ TQM Salvador

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy B'day Zanetti and Sexy Santino...

Zanetti, the hottie with the captain's armband, has resigned with Inter until 2013... I'm glad I made it to the Man. City v. Inter game a few weeks back even though Tevez wasn't there. Zanetti was the player I was most excited to see (OK, besides my personal hero, Materazzi on the right.) I didn't know this, but the soccer blog WATP describes Zanetti as a saint with a foundation for underprivileged kids in Argentina and a legion of devoted fans in both Argentina and Italy. Also... today's his birthday. I'll drink a pint in your honor... FELIZ CUMPLE IL CAPITANI! He had to be a Leo... Also, he makes me desperately miss Argentina. Picture courtesy of Bryan Little!

In other news, DC United's Santino Quaranta was Kickette's Tuesday Torso. I met this boy when I 13 years old and a water girl for DC United, and here he is 8 years later looking THIS DAMN SEXY. His tats are perfect and he's perfect. Too bad he has a baby mamma that he knocked up when he was 19... oh well... not actually perfect. CONGRATS DC... the MLS team getting the most attention from Kickette without any major signings... (lookin @ u Redbulls.)

I'm currently watching the Brazil v. USA friendly... It's halftime and I'm quite bored. Until people in the States start playing soccer recreationally, we're never going to dominate/have any sort of style. Even I've been playing soccer for fun recently. More on that later... The most interesting part thus far has been the foul on T. Howard in the 32nd minute...

Anyways, OFF TO BAILEY'S...


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Does my heart belong to Mexico?

I've been craving Mexican food all day... and after the replay of Man U v. Chelsea (and hanging out with two Mexicans all day) I realized the message God was trying to send me. I love Mexicans. More specifically, I love El Chicharito. The game against Chelsea was a brilliant follow up to that Chivas v. Man U game where scored in the first half for Chivas. Sure his goal late in the game was a f*cked up attempt at a shot that then hit him in the face... but then it rebounded into the goal. Honestly, it wasn't even the goal that made the game. It was that HOT pass in the 52nd minute. That was it. It killed me. I was like... wow, I love this little Mexican kid with a bad case of GayFace.

Watch his performance and enjoy watching him play this upcoming season.

Plus... this baby face is growing on me! I remember watching him warm up on th e sidelines like 100 feet away from us at the Uruguay v. Mexico game and just thinking... "would I?" The answer is a definitive ~si se puede.~