Monday, June 28, 2010

I am...

depressed to be back. Even standing in line with the "US Citizens" and their cargo shorts and their horrible hick accents, I wanted to cry. ughhhhh

Thankfully, I have pictures of Paraguay's practice today in Balgowan to keep me happy. The boys look so happy to be there and the picture of Roque's cleats with his kiddies names on them... that's awesome.

Lookin good, albirroja!

I also have been googling pictures of Luiz Suarez who I think might be one of my top 5 hottest world cup players. That's just what a man should look like. SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH.

Gotta get back to South America...ASAP. Funny, all my cousins wanna come here and all I wanna do is get back to Argentina/Uruguay/even Chile cause the Chilean fans were so cute.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

NOOOOOOOOO, Goodbye South Africa.

I'm sitting at the Joburg airport right now sad as can be because I won't be here for the Paraguay v. Japan game on Tuesday. I tried to extend my stay until Wednesday, but it would have cost me $800 bucks... SOOoooo I decided to spend like 100 of that on gifts and the rest of it on booze in Arlington.

wow... some italian team (rugby maybe?) just walked by... good god. italy, you suck, but you are all soooo fine.

This picture summarizes how I feel about South Africa.

Also, England got robbed of a goal that would have led to Germany's demise. BULLLLLLLSSHIIIIITTT. BULLLLLLSHIT....

So who's gonna win? Mexico or Argentina?? I supposed I should ask "who do you hate more?? Mexico or Argentina??"

Saturday, June 26, 2010


You can't see shit cause Nelson can't use a camera, but that's me and Peinaar's WAG. He was too big of a bitch to take a picture with us cause he's ASHAMED. What a fooooooooooool.
In other news... Congrats to Uruguay!! Sorry Korea... you know I have a special place for you in my corazon~

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear Bill Clinton,

I saw you on the screen at the USa v. Algeria game. I wish I was sitting with you in the box. I wish I was sitting with you not only because I want to be close to you, but because the American fans are so annoying, they don't know how to watch a football match. They stand up the entire time as if this is some act of devotion, when in reality it's just noobish. SIT. DOWN! The kiddies can't see! The short people can't see! It's just rude! See how the rest of the stadium is sitting? See how people are sitting at every other game? As the Englishwoman said to me as we waited for the pisser, "They're new to the game." SIIIIIGH.

But hey, it was the most exciting game I've been to thus far and the first one where someone actually got eliminated. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see the Algeria fans after the game and for a moment I felt like crying. They put up a great fight, but the US was robbed of another goal AND Donovan scored in 90+. Oh well, they still managed to knock out Egypt!
So today we head to Polokwane to see Paraguay's last 1st round game v. New Zealand. We're 30 minutes late leaving, guess why. Should be an easy one... I hope!

So La Gata Fina's Sexy Man of Yesterday...

Tim Cahill, the Aussie who pays for Everton.

His arm tattoo supposedly honoring his Samoan heritage... is sexy. His tan skin is so sexy. The fact that he saved Ghana's chances by scoring against Serbia, also very sexy. Silencing his critics through football and not catty words (a la Crissy,) also very sexy. Apparently he has a tattoo in honor of his brother in prison... so I'm sure sexiness runs in the fam. lolz, jk!

Off to Polokwane for Paraguay v. Kiwis!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Imagine 30,000 people calling you "puto..."

In my heart, they were saying it to Nelson, but in reality, they were saying it to the Uruguayan goalie. I went to the Mexico v. Uruguay game yesterday in Rustenburg and wow, it was crazy. The stadium was PACKED with Mexicans, literally packed. I would say at least 12k were Mexican, a whole bunch of Bufana fans, and a small section of Uruguayans. The game was intense, with the outcome of the match deciding Bufana's chances. The Mexicans really do believe in the power of the 12th because they were shouting the whoooole time with 'mexico!!mexico!!' singing 'cielito lindo' or shouting 'EEEEEEEEEEEHHH PUTOOO!!' everytime Uruguay's keeper had a goal kick. The bad karma led to Uruguay's goal, but unfortunately for Bufana (who beat the "disgraced French heroes" 2-1) it wasn't enough. Apparently the French got sent back to France right after the game on the shittiest plane they could find. lolz

The game was great because the two times Bufana scored a goal, 1/3 of the stadium got up and danced. South Africans know how to enjoy the World Cup even though their team didn't make it to 2nd round.

Domenech, the French manager, showed how big of D'bags the French truly are by not shaking hands with Carlos P., S.A.'s manager. Yeah, some of the French apologized, but to their "fans" and not the world for being the world's reigning Ds.

I forgot to comment on Crissy 'greasy chicken' Ronaldo and their 7-0 on N.K. That was the first live game transmitted in N.K. and they saw their team get brutalized. Spain, also a good game against Honduras. I of course was cheering for Honduras, which I know was futile, but watching Villa miss the penalty in attempts for a greedy hat trick, well that was a win in itself.

No pics from Joburg yet, but I have already met some great people that I plan to chill with before Sunday. That is of course if Nelson doesn't launch another attack on my 'joda' here in South Africa.

and here...

La Gata Fina's Sexiest Player of the Last few Days is...

Mark Gonzales, the 22 year old Chilean known as "Speedy" or probably "Ehspeedy"

With sexy brows and a hint of Roque, Mark comes close to being my dream man.
Also, the Chilean team is very sexy all around. I had forgotten about them, but they're South American, they're hot, and well, they've gotten kind of lucky in this W.C.

And now... off to USA v. Algeria!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pictures of the Slovakia game

Me, some Slovakia fans, and my panza.

The section I was in for the first goal...

posting pictures on blogger is too much effort...
In other news... LAST NIGHT, REGGIE BUSH WAS AT OUR SAME BAR. I totally wussed out and didn't ask him what KK is like, but I was ABOUT TO. omgomgomgomg he's kinda a douche but I can understand man, all the American guys were like omgomgomgomgomg and I was like...OMG IT'S THE KIM KARDASHIAN GUY!!! These South African guys were like GOOO TALK TO HIM and I was about to but then I realized me offering USA v. Algeria tickets wouldn't have been any good since he probably has the best seats in the house. MAAAAN it was nuts!
Celeb spotting in South Africa!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Paraguay 2 - Slovakia 0

Amazing game. Awesome time. Awesome people, even the Slovakia fans! Thanks to Miro P. for sneaking me into the bottom tier so I could be with the Pilsen guys... that was great.

Tomorrow... Joburg!

Yesterday, I pet a leopard...

And I may have secured myself a ticket to Argentina v. Greece!!! So happeeeee, it better work out, or Kyri Kambanis is gonna be in trouble.

The leopard wouldn't lick me though. I was pissed. I got REJECTED by a leopard. But on the plus side, it didn't bit my hand off. I bet a BABY LION TOO. It was sooo cute, omg. The "African wild dogs" were obviously the cutest though...

Here are some pics...

The cutest lil wild dog ever!

The baby leopard that wouldn't lick me.

The WHITE LION. Tego Calderon!!!

And my favorite wild animal at the park... Queenie, the Welsh Corgi.
So last night, we went out with the Paraguayos, and it wasn't bad. We met some good people and some bad (which I'll explain later) but overall, great time. I think Nelson is hungover... as usual... and I'm stellar. Can't wait til the game OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG

Friday, June 18, 2010

Germany, wtf. USA... You got robbed

Tonight... going out with some rich Paraguayans... we'll see how this goes.
I've been trying to stream the first episode of True Blood, but I'm failing miserably. The internet here is so slow. ~~Could never live here~~~

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nigerian Heartbreak, El Tri Victorious... and Pictures

So we went to the Nigeria v. Greece game. I was really rooting for Nigeria in this game, so I'm mildly upset. Not only is Vincent Enyeama an absolutely amazing goalie, (he was still the man of the match) but South Africa has a huuuuge Nigerian population and I was hoping to enjoy a little bit of partying with them. They played a man down most of the game and still came close a few times, but unfortunately, the Greek squeezed by.

And then... only a few hours after I declare my love for Mexico, they stomp France. Straight up stomping right there. I was half asleep the whole time (I'm tired and getting sick) but I was awake to see the goals and hear Cielito Lindo again. I wish I was in Polokwane tonight to celebrate with the Mexiz like I was doin' in the picture below...

and here are a few more pics of the last few days...

The band above was playing at Mama Africa, a really touristy restaurant, but they were awesome.

My outfit a the Italy game. Sadly, I did not make it on TV, but I still have 2 more tries.

A shot of the Paraguay v. Italy game.

The first miracle of Jesus.

A nice pic from the wine tour that we were late for. "Hi, sorry we're late, we're here for Paraguay and they tied Italy last night." -Me
A delicious lunch with the Brits on the tour.

and that's all for now...

I'm Converting to...

Mexican. So far, the Mexicans have had the coolest fans. At the Cape Town airport today, they were getting psyched for their game against France tonight. They were singing ayyyyye ayyye ayyye ayye, canta y no llores and then singing some chant that ended in "putos." The entire airport was full of them. I thought I saw Poncho Herrera in a lucha libre mask, but then I think it was just another really hot Mexican. Also, there's nothing better than meeting a group of Mexicans and having them somehow coerce you into taking Tequila shots with them within the first 10 minutes of chatting.

Yesterday we missed our flight to Bloemfontein because Nelson can't tell the difference between 11:15 and 12:30. This meant that we got to watch the South Africa v. Uruguay game in a little Asian bar in Cape which was actually super delicious. It was also super depressing since the loss to Uruguay basically meant that Bufana Bufana is out. What was up with Forlan's lip? Was that a cold sore? Sexy, goldilocks.

So in actual soccer news...

The Jabulani Ball

What's up with the ball? Everyone's saying it's as good as one you'd buy at a grocery store. While everyone shit-talks, Roque is sweet about it.

"Everyone is complaining about the ball, but players like to complain about everything. I think that we need time to learn the intricacies of the ball." -Roque Santacruz

The Spanish Upset

Don't care.

The Argentines

Looking great right now. Messi's unstoppable and Maradona is a lucky bastard. Congrats on the hat trick Higuain!! His 3rd goal in 81st minute... you're the goaldiggers sexy player of the day.

He can thank Messi for that...

The Referees

Baby Cristiano 'greasy chicken bone' Ronaldo has been complaining about how the 'star players' need to be more protected by the refs. He needs to learn a thing or two about graciousness. He's a nasty, greasy chicken bone and let's be real, he probably IS faking.

The ref during last night's South Africa game though, he was completely out of line. The goalie shouldn't have gotten a red card. Oh well, sorry Bufana Bufana.

So...I'll get back to watching the last 5 minutes of this game and get ready to walk over to Free State Stadium and see if we can get some tickets to the Greece v. Nigeria game.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

5 minutes to post...

I miss the internet. Last night, I got to check my e-mail for like 5 minutes 'til I got torn away from it by these 3 yanks that were making fun of my internet obsession...


So far, South Africans have been so friendly and hospitable, Mexicans have been a good time, the Argentines have been hilarious, and the 3 yanks proved to be quite entertaining as well. The Paraguayans have been rather dull, but sadly, that's no surprise.

The past 3 nights have been crazy with every night being spent on Long Street and the Dubliner which is this hilarious bar that's been absolutely packed every night. We also had the most delicious dinner at Mama Africa. Time's up!

I'll be internetting all day tomorrow, I hope.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Past 36 Hours Have Been AWESOME

We arrived to this awesome rainbow...

Con los perros...

Mi Amor. Mi Vida.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Somewhere in London Town...

Drinking Strongbow, watching Korea v. Greece.

A correction on yesterday's post... After reviewing the rules of the offsides, I realized I'm a fool and I'm wrong and that Mexico's goal was NOT valid.

A player is in an offside position if they are nearer to the opposition's goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent.

In Vela's case, the goalie had run out and the defender was the last opponent on the field. Good thing, cause I still hate Mexico.

Korea just scored. Cheers to my Korean friends... my three Korean friends... lolz

I'll be watching the Argentina v. Nigeria game at this same pub (that I'm already in love with) and unfortunately we'll be missing the USA v. England game because we'll be at Heathrow on our way to CAPE TOWN!!!

Also, no surprise here, traveling with Nelson sucks. : D
He's a funkiller. He better get over it and not be a funkiller/cockblock these next two weeks.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Baller of the Day

My flight for Cape Town leaves at 10:05 p.m. and this is what I'm doing at 6:57...

Waka Waka, Day 1

After 20 minutes fiddling with Pimp Text, I’m giving up and leaving The Goal Digger title as is. Pretend it’s glittery.

So thoughts on day 1… I spent the Mexico v. S.A. game on the computer and watching the game with my dadz (HAPPY B’DAY PAPI!) and the France v. Uruguay game at Dukem on U St. feasting on Ethiopian food and hoping to God and La Virgen that goldilocks would score.

Mexico v. South Africa

South African macarena

Did the South Africans buy the ref? I’m not going to lie, I am happy about what happened, but Vela got robbed of the first World Cup goal. Yes, the Mexicans can get over it, especially because Tshabalalalalala had a BEAUTIFUL goal. Definitely first goal worthy. And Rafa showed up with the equalizer in the 2nd half anyways. All in all, good game, I was happy with the result. It's a win for South Africa and a loss for Mexico... hahaha

Siphiwe Tshabalalalalalala might be the man of the match, but Steven Pienaar is the Goal Digger’s pick for Sexiest Baller of the Day.

Uruguay v. France

I was 30 minutes late to this game, but I don’t think I missed much. Nicolas Lodeira will be missing the next game due to that wicked foul on Sagna. The last few minutes were intense with the French offense taking full advantage of being one man up, but Henry failed to impress proving he is not the next Zidane. I would have liked the Sudacas to take the win, but alas, we shall see.

And the games begin...

As I sit here watching the intro to the Mexico, South Africa game and seeing the beautiful views of Soccer City, I can feel my eyes watering up a bit. I have been looking forward to this day ever since my brother went to France '98 to support our beloved Albirroja. I did rearrange quite a bit in my life so that I could have the privilege of attending this year, namely graduating in 4 years (I never would have tried that hard otherwise, honestly) and saving up thousands of dollars, but my work is nothing compared to that of the South Africans. South Africans have been waiting for this day for 6 years. They have been waiting to prove the world wrong and show that they can be the first African nation in history to host the World Cup. They faced setbacks that left many people doubting, but here we are today seeing these aerial shots of soccer city on ESPN HD (of course) packed with 90,000 beautiful people. I feel honored to soon be one of the attendees! I won't get into how excited I am from a development perspective, but I do hope the World Cup is just a step towards great things to come. Unfortunately, Nelson Mandela can't make the game or the opening ceremonies due to the tragic death of his 13 year old granddaughter, but his hard work has led up to this day and can't be forgotten.

So now... South Africa versus Mexico.
Good luck, Bafana Bafana!