Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Imagine 30,000 people calling you "puto..."

In my heart, they were saying it to Nelson, but in reality, they were saying it to the Uruguayan goalie. I went to the Mexico v. Uruguay game yesterday in Rustenburg and wow, it was crazy. The stadium was PACKED with Mexicans, literally packed. I would say at least 12k were Mexican, a whole bunch of Bufana fans, and a small section of Uruguayans. The game was intense, with the outcome of the match deciding Bufana's chances. The Mexicans really do believe in the power of the 12th because they were shouting the whoooole time with 'mexico!!mexico!!' singing 'cielito lindo' or shouting 'EEEEEEEEEEEHHH PUTOOO!!' everytime Uruguay's keeper had a goal kick. The bad karma led to Uruguay's goal, but unfortunately for Bufana (who beat the "disgraced French heroes" 2-1) it wasn't enough. Apparently the French got sent back to France right after the game on the shittiest plane they could find. lolz

The game was great because the two times Bufana scored a goal, 1/3 of the stadium got up and danced. South Africans know how to enjoy the World Cup even though their team didn't make it to 2nd round.

Domenech, the French manager, showed how big of D'bags the French truly are by not shaking hands with Carlos P., S.A.'s manager. Yeah, some of the French apologized, but to their "fans" and not the world for being the world's reigning Ds.

I forgot to comment on Crissy 'greasy chicken' Ronaldo and their 7-0 on N.K. That was the first live game transmitted in N.K. and they saw their team get brutalized. Spain, also a good game against Honduras. I of course was cheering for Honduras, which I know was futile, but watching Villa miss the penalty in attempts for a greedy hat trick, well that was a win in itself.

No pics from Joburg yet, but I have already met some great people that I plan to chill with before Sunday. That is of course if Nelson doesn't launch another attack on my 'joda' here in South Africa.

and here...

La Gata Fina's Sexiest Player of the Last few Days is...

Mark Gonzales, the 22 year old Chilean known as "Speedy" or probably "Ehspeedy"

With sexy brows and a hint of Roque, Mark comes close to being my dream man.
Also, the Chilean team is very sexy all around. I had forgotten about them, but they're South American, they're hot, and well, they've gotten kind of lucky in this W.C.

And now... off to USA v. Algeria!!


  1. Domenech GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD wat a douche! LOL espeeeeedy...... i didnt tell u but i thought it "URUGUAY was gonna win" speaking of hotties do u have pics of the cute Paraguayan chica?

  2. he's so fine. domenech needs to grow up. and yeaaah, uruguay had it. forlan owed south africa two goals though, and he didn't deliver. saddd.
