Saturday, June 12, 2010

Somewhere in London Town...

Drinking Strongbow, watching Korea v. Greece.

A correction on yesterday's post... After reviewing the rules of the offsides, I realized I'm a fool and I'm wrong and that Mexico's goal was NOT valid.

A player is in an offside position if they are nearer to the opposition's goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent.

In Vela's case, the goalie had run out and the defender was the last opponent on the field. Good thing, cause I still hate Mexico.

Korea just scored. Cheers to my Korean friends... my three Korean friends... lolz

I'll be watching the Argentina v. Nigeria game at this same pub (that I'm already in love with) and unfortunately we'll be missing the USA v. England game because we'll be at Heathrow on our way to CAPE TOWN!!!

Also, no surprise here, traveling with Nelson sucks. : D
He's a funkiller. He better get over it and not be a funkiller/cockblock these next two weeks.


  1. Every time Korea makes a goal, I'm going to take a shot.

    That is, if I'm not interning, or working, or in class.

    Lol, take some shots for me!!!!!

  2. LOL, BETTY. I luv u. I took 2 shots of Tequila last night with some Mexicans... Tonight, maybe I'll drink wine with some Argentinosssss.

  3. leave nelson in some shantytown....just for a bit while you get some s. african bbc

  4. lol, chris. "el bueyz." u must be proud after mexico's showing today against france.
